Public Profile


member since December 12, 2008


Hello there, person who is visiting my profile! I am known as Fry, for reasons unmentionable.

As for my comics, I try my best to make them look good, but I am not the best artist. Also, most of my comics will not be appropriate for anyone under thirteen. Sorries. ^^;

Fry out! -Salutes-

Comics By ImprisonedWithin

  • Fantasy |
  • 4 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
When Katerina, also known as "Agent K" fails her third big mission in a row, she's forced to take on a small task: Find and locate a new member for the agency. If she fails, she'll be kicked out of the agency.. but will she want to leave her new friends?

Comics Assisted By ImprisonedWithin

No comics.

Comics Recomended By ImprisonedWithin

Tocetes, a city separated into two subcities; Uppercity, a well-developed society only of humans. And Undercity, an underdeveloped rathole of "freaks" For the inhabitants of Undercity, any way to avoid Uppercity and get out of Undercity is salvation.

ImprisonedWithin's friends

  • Kaylove
  • Kylias
  • Zaffa
  • leon kennedy
  • Volte6
  • SquishyNinja

forum topics started

No topics.

Videos Shared By ImprisonedWithin

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