Public Profile


member since December 12, 2007


Im a Norwegian.

…what? Oh, you want me to tell you anything else? I see, I see…too bad.

Comics By Kiryurules

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Comics Assisted By Kiryurules

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Comics Recomended By Kiryurules

Starring the forum-goers of Twisted Kaiju Theater, the main character is Kaith, an insane li'l chicka with enough firepower to show the sun what-for. She's backed up by her friends and coworkers of TKT, all who are as nutty as she is. Expect the worse.

Kiryurules's friends

  • Volte6
  • addaganji
  • link v2
  • gammera1976
  • Kaithica

forum topics started

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Videos Shared By Kiryurules

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