Public Profile


member since August 08, 2008


Hi, My real name is James.
Im a fan of Shoujo-Ai/Yuri and Sci-Fi/Fantasy.

Im currently studying for my New Zealand National Certificate in Computing and National Certificate in Business Administration in Computing, both Level 2 (not bad for an 46 year old :D ) and live with my two Cats Whiskey and Shadow.

Im a bit of a Trekkie and Babylon 5 fan and my fave authors are Anne McCaffrey, Raymond E. Feist and Robert A. Heinlein. I also read a bit of Tom Clancy for diversity (hehe)

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Kugai's friends

  • newgirlcomic
  • Volte6
  • Cross
  • Camisicado
  • _Pandora_
  • Atelier aqua
  • Arlyana

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