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member since September 09, 2007


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Comics By Mondo_Funky

  • Fantasy |
  • 272 pages |
  • last: April 12 2012 |
Set in such exiting locals as the comic book store, the office, and the Featureless White Void, Awesomataz is (mostly) the saga of Ted, Gary, Emoly, Torgo, Steve The Douchebag, and a ghost train who also happens to be a porn star, among others.
  • Noir |
  • 798 pages |
  • last: Jan. 25 2012 |
  • 1 like
The badass adventures of a private investigator who rarely investigates. With his partners Bill Nye The Science Guy and the groovy Scruffy Rogen, Smoke battles suchg villains as The Abominable Mister Spydee, Shang The Oriental, and Blast Hardcheese

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kiandranishan at 10:45AM, Feb. 12, 2008

Hey, thanks for all your support for Snakes and Apples. Your comments always make me all happy and give me the warm fuzzies ^^

DarkKnightJRK at 4:52PM, Feb. 11, 2008

I believe I shall--I originally was going to use it for SHH, but the amount of bytes was too much or something.

DarkKnightJRK at 4:25PM, Feb. 11, 2008

Yes you do, mate. ... I'm Batman. :O

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