Public Profile


member since June 06, 2007



Anyway…yeah…I go by Nish, here on teh internet (cuz you know, all those psyco rapists out there) but the name is Jesse! yes I spell my name the guys way, cuz thats just how I roll! grr!

Imma pretty cool person…i mean…cmon 5 friends here? 46 friends on myspace? 4 friends on xanga? where can i go wrong with my popularity?

I am currently single…who wouldnt wanna date a chick seriously into Shounen ai and yaoi? heh heh _ well s***….

Um…i dunno what to say…oh! Im from Canada (hellz yes) but now Im trapped in Arizona, USofA (hellz no…) I dunno how exactly that transition happened, I was 10 when it did, but…it happened…

I have two of the bestest friends you could ever ask for, Jacob and Shallex ^_^ I lurv them so much! Theyve helped me through a lot! I have to refrain from going fangirl all over Jacob though…he and his boyfriend are so CUTE together! Its absolutely adorable! And Shallex and I…the only two girls in the Singlism Rocks Club…sigh…OH WELL!

Imma comic linking whore, too…my Myspace is a beast full of comic links…and Im a survey-doing whore…I past through my quiz phase a looong time ago…

I heart rock music to death! It pwns hardcore smex, kupo! Alternative too! And I guess Im getting into the emo music too. Id love to get more into the J-rock genre…but I simply do not have enough money to sustain that addiction…

Atomic Comics and Barnes and Noble are my crack…Aromic Comics for the manga, of course…but Im going to be a famous author someday, you just watch!

Um…there are a few songs that are my crack…as in, I cant go a day without listen to at least one of them…The Bird and the Worm by The Used, Wine Red by The Hush Sound, Duel from whatever James Bond movie, and One-Winged Angel from, you guessed it, Final Fantasy!

Umm…I am totally OBSESSED with Kingdom Hearts 2…I have almost beat Kingdom Hearts 2! Yay! Roxas and Axel pwn hardcore smex, kupo! Anyway, yesh!

I lurv Cloud, Sephiroth, and Vincent, even though the only Final Fantasy game I ever attempted was Final Fantasy X which I gave up on cuz I was bored. But Ive watched Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children and twas teh smex, kupo!

I dont play many video games cuz Imma total n00b with slow-ass reflexes…so when I was told that KH2 was easy, I was like HELLZ YES! SIGN ME UP!

Comics By N15H

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Comics Assisted By N15H

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Comics Recomended By N15H

Mars couldn't believe it when his life long friend and crush asked him out. Naively entering into this relationship, he doesn't realize what is really going on. Can he handle the dark secret he is soon to find out. Oh yeah! Lots of yaoi-ness ensues!

Sam has a gift with women. He oozes charm, and can get any girl into bed. Sam has everything he could want, but there's one problem - and his name is George! The two boys are drawn to each other, causing even heart-throb Sam to look within himself.. YAOI

N15H's friends

  • Evil_Snuffkin
  • lasse
  • pw100sdad
  • Chaz McRich
  • b4k4chan
  • Mirre
  • chii
  • curlpop
  • Volte6
  • yareufollowingme

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