Public Profile


member since January 01, 2006


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Comics By darkenchanter

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Comics Assisted By darkenchanter

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Comics Recomended By darkenchanter

The day to day happenings of the world's greatest webcomic artist.

Caggage's cute exterior hides a surreal, manic depressive variety show drawn from haunted nightmare visions and general malaise. It features two little guys, an orange thing and a squidkitten.

A girl, a robot, and their horrible adventures. Updated MWF.

A Drunk Duck featured comic and winner of the Drunk Duck Awards for Best Humor Scenes and Most Deliciously Offensive. Plus the artist is an Adonis of a man. Handsome, charismatic, suave. He saved my mom's life once! All in all, this is one awesome guy.

Even in a magical world, unexplained phenomena can happen. That's where Eredicus, Aries and their colleagues come in. They explore the paranormal in a world of fantasy, mythical creatures, and strong magic.

Random, weird, creative, WTF, wacky, funny, one-panel (usually) webcomic


darkenchanter's friends

  • NotBob
  • webcomics heh
  • rmmanuel
  • cincy74
  • Volte6
  • soulcelshade

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