Public Profile


member since October 10, 2007


Im the craziest chick youll ever meet. I have constant mood swings that cause me to border on insanity.
My art sucks, but my ideas are ok. Ill let you decide the overall quality of my work.

Comics By demonbaka_Ryoko

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Comics Assisted By demonbaka_Ryoko

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Welcome to the feline world of Setar, a mostly sand covered world, with a hidden forest deep in a crater. Here lives Ragus city, and Zara Vallaru. A holy knight, of a sorts, whose allies are a child and a dark knight who obsesses over her.

demonbaka_Ryoko's friends

  • sjcomix
  • chaychan
  • Mutation
  • Volte6
  • kujosbloodstrewnmoon
  • Nikai Nockturne

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