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member since August 08, 2015


Hello! I am a noob at this stuff so i'll get right to the point!! Atm i'll be doing an upcoming web comic called “ Why Am I Alive” and its an adult comic aint much for the little ones ^ ^ ;; unless ya like that type of stuff haha but yeah more information on that from the days i post.

Comics By kittywolfz

  • Horror |
  • 5 pages |
  • last: Sept. 24 2015 |
This story takes place around three teenagers (Jude, Neo, Katsuki) in Brooklyn New York who love the thrill of stealing and gaining money afterwards. Neo the leader of the two finds out about three power stones they could steal and sell it off for a lot of money. Could this change their life of ultimate wealth or could it be the ultimate downfall for all of them?

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