Public Profile


member since November 11, 2009


I am a 2nd year college student, who barely has time on their hands – but still manages to work on a comic during all of the stress.

I draw all my comics on a 6x9 piece of paper, all pages are painted with watercolour and then details are added in with coloured pencils and acrylic ink afterwards.

Comics By kizamaji

  • Fantasy |
  • 3 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
Jindu is the story about a Korean Jindo who lands on the island of Honshu; the main island of Japan. Japan is inhabited by Nihon Ken; Japanese Dogs. And they aren't giving a very warm welcome to the outsider. Pages are done in full watercolour.

Comics Assisted By kizamaji

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kizamaji's friends

  • I Am The 1337 Master
  • martinlo_23
  • Volte6

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