Public Profile


member since May 05, 2009



Comics By kreepshow

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Comics Assisted By kreepshow

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Comics Recomended By kreepshow

Transgender/Lesbian Romance! A little sophistication, a little punk rock, sexy butch women and a hapless everywoman protagonist in a lesbian demimonde.

After a misunderstanding, Dahlia finds herself stuck in a battle between a crew of airship pirates and a corrupt government. Does she have the talent and gadgets to get herself out of this sticky situation? A steampunk comic!

It's about a bunch of teenagers who are ... living and stuff. That's enough for them, really. (Currently updating as often as possible.)

kreepshow's friends

  • The Satoshi
  • Volte6
  • MadMindInk
  • DarioZanders

forum topics started

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Videos Shared By kreepshow

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