Public Profile


member since May 05, 2010


iam a scriptwriter looking for a artist , i write serious stuff like the action genre but iam also in for other kind of stuff , so if you are a artist who is looking for a writer iam your man ,

ps:my real name is Natan ( without H ) but you can call me Nathan to :)

Comics By scriptwriter

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Comics Recomended By scriptwriter

Random adventures of three dangerous teens.

A stranger approaches a city. He awoke with no memory, except for the name of this city. He attempts to look for answers to questions he doesn’t even know there, but no one seems to know him. Something is off though, as they need him to save them.

scriptwriter's friends

  • fukujinzuke
  • Mettaur
  • TokyoRose
  • Dave7
  • Volte6
  • Hanzou
  • demi luv

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