Public Profile


member since June 06, 2008


go to my new acount that got an activation email unlike this one
instead of steffy333 my new acount is just steffy

Comics By steffy333

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Comics Assisted By steffy333

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Comics Recomended By steffy333

Sonic and Tails have grown bored of living in the country and have decided to move to the city, at least that's what Sonic decided. Warning: Contains Magi, demonic landlords, a crazy green guy, and suffering, lots and lots of suffering.

Dr. Light and Dr. Wily create an interdimensional portal that allows a magi-priest of a dark god into thier world. What happens next? Well you'll need to read and find out.

steffy333's friends

  • Devvy
  • Volte6
  • Altune
  • DeathjuniorsBlade
  • poonipoonz

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Videos Shared By steffy333

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DeathjuniorsBlade at 5:44PM, March 15, 2009

I'm in your profile, typing on your page. >B3

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