Public Profile

tenshi feathers

member since September 09, 2007


*scratches head* how to announce things about myself… this might be tough
ok so my names kari im here mainly to read other peoples great comics… (because i cant draw to save my life) also before you ask about my avatar yes those are 2 girls and yes im a lesbian so no questions about that… if you send me a message i will probably send one back

Comics By tenshi feathers

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Comics Assisted By tenshi feathers

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Comics Recomended By tenshi feathers

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tenshi feathers's friends

  • TehDante
  • Volte6
  • 18903
  • shino
  • newgirlcomic
  • Atelier aqua
  • Chaz McRich
  • The Satoshi
  • _Pandora_
  • Flamingbunz

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