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The Force Awakens and cinema in 2015
Genejoke at 1:33PM, Dec. 18, 2015
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
I saw the force awakens today and figure here will be a good place to discuss it. I will avoid spoilers.
I really liked it, even though there is a lot of mirroring of the first movie. I mean fourth… I mean a new hope…. Anyway there are clear reflections within but I think it helps bring the new characters in and have it all feel like star wars. The new characters are very good, even those who do not get a large amount of screen time. Although the original cast are back it is in mostly small roles and again that works very well also. In fact there isn't much that didn't work, except a few gags.
KimLuster at 7:53AM, Dec. 21, 2015
posts: 795
joined: 5-15-2012
I liked it overall!! Being much older now, the ‘magic’ doesn't hit me like it used to, but still a very worthwhile movie. It does mirror the first movie (4th?) alot - but I got a nice nostalgia feel with that instead of annoyance! And since I'm a sucker for Action Girls, so Rey (Daisy Ridley) was quite welcome!
Genejoke at 12:45PM, Dec. 21, 2015
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
What I liked about Rey, was that although she was capable she wasn't overpowered like many female action heroes. She had to fight for it and as a result it felt thast much more exciting.
KimLuster at 2:22PM, Dec. 21, 2015
posts: 795
joined: 5-15-2012
Yep, and they didn't put her in a chainmail bikini… yet! That's not a spoiler is it? ;)
Genejoke at 4:29PM, Dec. 21, 2015
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
well it spoiled some perving…
tupapayon at 7:13PM, Dec. 21, 2015
posts: 155
joined: 5-8-2013
I agree that it feels like a retelling of the story… a lot of mirroring… Rey is the new Luke, Finn is the new Leia, Poe is the new Han (maybe), BB8 is the new R2D2… I wonder who's the new Chewie…

Banes at 2:48PM, Dec. 22, 2015
posts: 672
joined: 8-13-2008
We're going tomorrow…greatly looking forward to it!

tupapayon at 3:58PM, Dec. 22, 2015
posts: 155
joined: 5-8-2013
Banes wrote:
We're going tomorrow…greatly looking forward to it!
If you need any spoilers, just ask… you're welcome…
Ozoneocean at 7:02PM, Dec. 22, 2015
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Chewbakka marries a dog and has kittens.
It turns out that Luke and Liea also married and had a forbidden lovechild super jedi. That's the Kylo Ren guy with the crossgaurdlight sabre.
tupapayon at 7:20PM, Dec. 22, 2015
posts: 155
joined: 5-8-2013
ozoneocean wrote:
Chewbakka marries a dog and has kittens.
It turns out that Luke and Liea also married and had a forbidden lovechild super jedi. That's the Kylo Ren guy with the crossgaurdlight sabre.
you have no idea how close you are… all I can tell you is at last we have a storm trooper who hits his target… and a clue as to why they seem to miss so much…
bravo1102 at 12:54AM, Dec. 23, 2015
posts: 6,123
joined: 1-21-2008
tupapayon wrote:
ozoneocean wrote:
Chewbakka marries a dog and has kittens.
It turns out that Luke and Liea also married and had a forbidden lovechild super jedi. That's the Kylo Ren guy with the crossgaurdlight sabre.
you have no idea how close you are… all I can tell you is at last we have a storm trooper who hits his target… and a clue as to why they seem to miss so much…
Maybe it's because no one ever bothers to aim?

Area weapon used for suppression fire. Lay down a lot of bolts and look cool doing it. Should you happen to hit something that's a plus. But don't aim.
tupapayon at 8:13AM, Dec. 24, 2015
posts: 155
joined: 5-8-2013
bravo1102 wrote:
Area weapon used for suppression fire. Lay down a lot of bolts and look cool doing it. Should you happen to hit something that's a plus. But don't aim.
That's probably in the handbook somewhere… “How to Succed at Being a Storm Trooper Without Acually Trying”, unavailable in Amazon and Barnes
last edited on Dec. 24, 2015 8:14AM
Banes at 10:41AM, Dec. 24, 2015
posts: 672
joined: 8-13-2008
Yeah! I liked it a lot!

How great to see the old characters back! Loved old Han especially; he had some great moments.

But I actually enjoyed the new characters even more. Seeing them come together and the banter between them and the friendship taking shape was a blast to watch, and very, very Star Wars.
It felt like the originals, with many similar elements to the first two movies (where the prequels felt very different and seemed like a different reality).

There were a few headscratchers, to do with how strong the Force was with a certain character…but personally, I was able to go with it. Very interested in where things go next…and I'll be revisiting this one for sure!

last edited on Dec. 24, 2015 10:42AM
tupapayon at 3:52PM, Dec. 24, 2015
posts: 155
joined: 5-8-2013
Banes wrote:
There were a few headscratchers, to do with how strong the Force was with a certain character…but personally, I was able to go with it. Very interested in where things go next…and I'll be revisiting this one for sure!
Don't ruin the plot with your logic…
rockmaryrock at 8:37PM, Dec. 24, 2015
posts: 6
joined: 12-24-2015
I really enjoyed the movie, the pacing, cinematic and art direction is amazing. I can't say I love the plot and everyone has a different view on it. But I'm very very much looking forward to the spinoff (Starwars:Rogue) since I believe it will be more character driven with no force wielder and also Episode VIII because the rumored script is excellent.
If you haven't watch, you should and a Merry Christmas to all of you! May the FORCE be with you!!!
kawaiidaigakusei at 1:30AM, Jan. 8, 2016
posts: 768
joined: 3-23-2007
Having originally guessed the major spoilers (who killed who, who is the father, etc) I had to see it in theatres to see how it was executed. The film has been out for about one month, so I was finally able to avoid lines and see it in a really nice cinema with reclining leather chairs.

This movie brought me to the days when I was a little kid waiting in line for all the original trilogy reboots during the 1997 re-release. It was the next installment of the franchise I expected, but left wanting more from the prequels.

I guess the actor that played Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) is a character on Girls, so a lot of people were like, “WTF?!” When he removed his mask. The Andy Sirkus dude was some giant Voldemort crossbred with Gollum.

Major question: Who is Rey's mother?
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
bravo1102 at 2:10AM, Jan. 8, 2016
posts: 6,123
joined: 1-21-2008
kawaiidaigakusei wrote:
Major question: Who is Rey's mother?
Luke went into exile after his school was destroyed. Rey is seen being dropped off by someone. Now… for Luke to have been so traumatized it is typical storytelling that he lost someone close to him. Rey's mother. But wait are we certain that he is her father? I say no and that as put out in a bunch of pre-Canon books Han and Liea had twins and that one was hidden away just in case… Jedi precognition.

Anyone see the attractions for the next J.J. Abrams produced Star Trek? Destroying the Enterprise already? And when can we expect the Star Trek /Star wars cross-over Christmas special?
maskdt at 11:06AM, Jan. 15, 2016
posts: 58
joined: 9-11-2008
bravo1102 wrote:

Anyone see the attractions for the next J.J. Abrams produced Star Trek? Destroying the Enterprise already? And when can we expect the Star Trek /Star wars cross-over Christmas special?
Putting Star Wars and Christmas together is playing with fire, man. Even George Lucas learned that it's a really, really bad idea.
bravo1102 at 3:42PM, Jan. 16, 2016
posts: 6,123
joined: 1-21-2008
maskdt wrote:
bravo1102 wrote:

Anyone see the attractions for the next J.J. Abrams produced Star Trek? Destroying the Enterprise already? And when can we expect the Star Trek /Star wars cross-over Christmas special?
Putting Star Wars and Christmas together is playing with fire, man. Even George Lucas learned that it's a really, really bad idea.
I saw it first run way back in 1978. Precisely why I made the suggestion. I was there and didn't mind the fun
Jeremy Ray at 7:30PM, Feb. 2, 2016
posts: 36
joined: 1-4-2011
Genejoke wrote:
What I liked about Rey, was that although she was capable she wasn't overpowered like many female action heroes. She had to fight for it and as a result it felt thast much more exciting.

You're the first I've seen that said Rey wasn't ridiculously overpowered. I haven't seen it myself and don't plan to. I've watched a bunch of reviews that make me think Disney is shooting for a Homer and Marge dynamic, the old idiot man and momma-knows-best formula that ruined tv sitcoms. Lots of guys saying Finn is worse than Jar Jar, just a black man running from the cops. Everyone was trying to convince me that Avatar was great when the marketting push was on, but it's considered to be a bad movie now and I suspect TFA will go the same way when the initial rush is over. Going by the reviews I've watched, it appears the hype is wearing off faster than it did for Avatar. Or Into Darkness.

Sorry to be negative. Some of the shots look great, some of the design work is genuinely cool. Buuut . . . I thought it was dubious when Disney bought Star Wars, when they hired the Toy Story writer who flaked out (I called that one in advance and made a lot of people mad). Dubious when J.J. was hired . . . I believe TFA has ended up being what I thought it would be, and I'm not going to bother with it unless I'm hearing better things about it two years from now then I'm currently hearing. This has basically become my standard for seeing movies - never in the theater, and only if they're still well regarded a couple years down the line.

While I'm on a rant I'm going to go ahead and express my doubts about Alien: Covenant, or whatever they end up calling it. I don't think Ridley has any idea what he's making. How can you suddenly take Noomi Rapace out, but leave Fassbender in? Are we going to be following a different David robot, and the story is going to completely break with Prometheus? This feels like a sign of utter chaos in the production process. The problem is that Ridley is a director and not a writer/director. I don't believe he had any overall vision for the Prometheus series when he started, other than that he wanted to make a movie based on Chariots of the Gods and had to attach it to the Aliens franchise to get it funded.

I will totally change my mind however if it turns out David tricked Noomi into blowing herself out an airlock, and he proceeds through the movie as just a head.
last edited on Feb. 2, 2016 7:31PM
Genejoke at 4:04AM, Feb. 3, 2016
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
alien covenant… I have doubts about but I will go see it regardless. I'm more interested in Neil Blomkamps aliens sequel, although that may not be going ahead now. I think he would deliver the sequel to aliens people have been hoping for. Just a shame Chappie flopped as I think that dampened foxs interest.

Personally I don't see why Avatar is considered a bad movie, it's not perfect but a far better film than people give it credit for. My one gripe with the movie is “unobtainium” GAH!

As for the force awakens, Rey isn't (absurdly) over powered as when she beats the bad guy as he was in bad shape before the fight began. People should try and pay attention. You seem to put a lot of stock in what people say online, bad move, the internet is full of vocal fucktards. It is probably what you expect, it's a star wars film after all. That said it's the the best made star wars film yet. Not the best star wars film, the plot is too much of a rehash for that, but the direction, acting and dialogue (mostly) surpass the others.

Oh and the Finn stuff is clearly from muppets who are looking for racists undertones, he's actually one of the best things in the movie.
bravo1102 at 5:15AM, Feb. 3, 2016
posts: 6,123
joined: 1-21-2008
When picking a movie to watch, in the end, the only opinion that matters is yours. Sure I will peruse a few newspaper reviews to find a rare gem I might have otherwise missed but I make up my own mind whether I will see them. But then I like to watch bad movies in their original formats without Joel and the robots. (MST3K )

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