8BPA 2: Examine the MAGIC INTERNET BOX and its capabilities.

KoE on Oct. 13, 2009


You examine the monitor on the desk.

FRAME 2 & 3

This could be accurately described as a MAGIC INTERNET BOX, as your member KoE once explained. It has access to the World Wide Web, like most computers in this VIRTUAL REALITY do, and it seems to be on the page for the ADMINISTRATOR'S CONTROL PANEL. Your name has been auto-completed, along with your password. You would find this somewhat disconcerting, except you're pretty sure this room serves as the VIRTUAL REALITY representation of the ADMINISTRATOR'S CONTROL PANEL. Nobody without the proper access could get in anyway.


In assessing the other capabilities of the MAGIC BOX, you realize that the red light on the keyboard indicates that it isn't connected. You don't see any wires, or for that matter, a tower. Or a mouse. You're not even sure how this thing is supposed to work, but then you were never really good at this VIRTUAL REALITY thing.

It looks like to access the MAGIC INTERNET you will need to acquire a working INPUT APPARATUS, either by repairing this one or finding a new one. Your lack of technical expertise might make this difficult.