Money Doe$n't $tink (page 4)

Fitz on Dec. 31, 2007

Another page up later than expected… Sorry about that! But it's here! And as a little treat, everyone who comments will get to see some initial character designs and sketches I drew when I first started working on the comic AND a panel that didn't make it onto the latest page because it was just TOO cool ;) So everyone who comments will get a PQ with those drawings and little backstories to each.

And now, for the usual mile-long rant…

The past two weeks have been busier than usual, with Xmas, cleaning the house, all the end-of-the-year red tape at work, and I caught a cold somewhere along the way. These past few days I've been feeling more and less terrible. Getting better now, though. Strangely enough, sometimes I manage to focus on the comic enough to stop noticing just how sick I am. And sometimes I spent 10+ hours on that. It's scary. Today I started at around 9am and finished just past midnight. LOL! What kinda sore loser works on a webcomic on New Year's Eve? Answer: me! :D I think I would've missed it, were it not for Erica - who's still back in 2007 right now, since it's only 6pm in NYC. Aaanyway, it seems to take longer and longer to do every new page. Hm… I'm drawing a lot people, which takes a LOT of time. And it does bug me when one panel or another has too little detail about it - so I come up with time-consuming ways to make it more detailed. Yes, it's so much fun to be insane ;) This page was originally supposed to be a splash page, and the final page of this chapter, but the way the previous page ended, I had to give you at least a little follow-up story. So there you go: a semi-splash page :) A little less of dialogue than usual - but maybe that's not a bad thing? I just hope it makes some sort of sense and is at least a little funny. Dialogues are usually the last thing I work on, when I'm done drawing. And brain-dead. After 12 hours at the puter sometimes I can't even follow them, not to mention understand my own sense of humor.

I thought of drawing a one-page winter theme filler, but that didn't happen, for reasons mentioned earlier. BUT if you'll look closely you might spot a little allusion to Christmas. Kinda late, but it's there :P Hopefully I'll be able to draw more holiday-related comics in the future. Meanwhile… If all goes well, the next page will be a regular splash page, and an end of the chapter. And theeeen… I'm going to try a bit of a different kind of story. Nothing revolutionary, perhaps, but something a bit outside the established formula. Not saying anything more, though - I'll just let you be surprised.

Till next time :)