Page 1- The End Begins

imjohnboc on March 8, 2010

And so it begins, this is a sadly accurate portrayal of my weekend. Generally Negro likes to go out at around 8 to 8:30, I usually don't get up until 11 or so on sunday. I should really start crating her again. Unfortunately, there's going to be a bit of a build up, before the actual plot is revealed. I want to go through and do a comic exactly like I want to. No more shaving things down for time and space. I want each panel, each minute detail. It's my style it seems, maybe just for now. But for the longest time, with my full size updates, I've just been shaving them down and shaving them down for time. Now I'm updating twice as often, so hopefully it balances out. More to come thursday, check it out.

till next time


P.S. I'm not naked, I generally sleep just in boxers. I used to draw me in a wife beater when I slept, that is inaccurate. It would also be kinda creepy to sleep naked with my chihuahua