Character Profile: Widowmaker

spacehamster on July 2, 2008

Sorry for the lack of updates, folks, but real life is keeping me away from the drawing board. It looks like I'll have to postpone issue 5 and possibly slow down to weekly updates as well, but I'll post more about that when I'm sure. It may or may not also mean a return to color when I do this, but let me figure that out and tell you in about a week.

Anyway, here's Widowmaker. As with Fang, this is what JCORP knows about him, though it's considerably more than about her.

It was a bit strange coloring this guy because he's so deeply rooted in Bulletproof's b/w world that I've never really thought of him as a colored character, but I actually managed to come pretty close to the vague idea I had in my head.

Next: Whiplash!

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