Chivalry: Dead, but twitching

Amelius on Feb. 16, 2006

This, like a lot of other early Charby comics (and every single early Hex comic, new readers you'll find out who that is later!) was based on an actual event in my life, except with Charby taking care of business. Yes, I was walking down a neighborhood street with my pals and some jerks soaked me with ice water, and when someone is a real turd like this I think of awful things happening to them!

And yeah, that's totally me in the comic. Yeah, I would thank Charby for causing the truck to crash for my honor, I'm a real “Head for an eye” vengeful sort when it comes to people being terribly inconsiderate like that!

Oh, and see how crappy this page looks? The scary thing is I touched this up recently. It looked even worse before!