#720 Ensnared

Amelius on March 2, 2008

He could have cursed him with an annoying impy demon instead, but that really wouldn't help now would it? Instead he's getting an inconvenient tutor who is likely going to be attached to him for a long time now. Kavonn may look a little demonic but he isn't a demon, and therefore is choosing a less violent punishment for Sadick. He also realizes that Sadick probably wouldn't be so jumpy and trigger-happy if he wasn't so scared of demons (or anything that looks like one)and of course so convinced that if he doesn't shoot first he'll get it. I asked Nick to help out with the character design for Lezzaria, because the things I had been drawing were too cute and innocent looking. I wanted her to be a little off-putting, but not hideous.

Speaking of being labeled incorrectly, my style is not just manga! It's my style! It is a mutant! I'm getting tired of people labeling it manga in a disparaging manner,(with the words “turn off” and “too Japanese” accompanying) when it is only minor influences. Big eyes alone does not a “manga style” make! And as far as I can see, that's all these people are looking at before claiming I'm just hopping on the manga bandwagon. There's more styles than mainstream Western and Manga you know. I'm drawing it in my own style, not someone else's, but I suppose for anyone who's never paid much attention to the way things are drawn and why may claim this to be “manga” (or of course just “anime” which is darn near impossible since this isn't animated!)simply because I don't draw bizarre anatomy,(noodle arms and the like), gargantuan noses or huge muscular beef-men in tights. Also note: nobody has a small mouth in here. And nobody has physically turned into a chibi in here. Yes manga does appeal to me, but I am no copycat and I don't appreciate the insinuation that I am! If I put butter on my potatoes, that doesn't mean it's now just butter! CTV is western potato with some eastern condiments on it. I could have the potato plain or just eat the condiments alone, but why should I? I like my potato with stuff on it.