#5 - "Laser sights and equality."

strongbad_999 on Feb. 12, 2006

Strip: You know. I had always wondered why Elmer Fudd din't shoot Daffy AND Bugs when he was hunting. Just because it was either rabbit or duck season doesn't mean he wouldn't “bend the rules”

Anyways…yeah, I liked drawing this one, just because I liked drawing Daffy and Bugs. If you do a color check on Elmer, you'll notice that the colors for his hat/boots/jacket are 100% accurate (eyedrop tool for the win)!

Another note: Seriously…you guys are so incredibly awesome it's not funny. I'm getting people in here who are (in my opinion) well acomplished cartoonists saying the nicest stuff about my comics.

Also: I plan on having a Valentine's day quickie tomorrow. We'll see how that works out.

Peace, love, serenity, pants,

PS: I'm still getting no bloody time on the front page :'(!

PPS: 1,500 pageviews since I started here :D (It might not be much to you, but it is to me!)