Time after Time page 12- Stephen Hawking kicks Butt!

joe5art on Aug. 10, 2012

This strip was a challangefor one page have gone looking for Images of Stephen Hawking, Kryten from Red Dwarf, Minion from Mega Mind, some old drawings I did and now a picture of someone throwing a baseball. LOL. I keep trying to improve.
The next strip is also a big deal. It's strip #100! and also will (hopefully) be a double truck/ double wide page. Since it is No. 100 and would come in the middle of the book if it was printed. It will also be the first time I ever do one.

I wonder when if the diagram explaining all the time spce stuff will be as interesting as Walter's toward the start of the issue?

I was also working on a different way to scan the artwork more like they do for animation at the sugestion of a friend.