Issue 1: Page 2

repoman on April 12, 2009

(Edit: Formerly page 12. Moved 6/25/09)

Here we are again. This page sets the scene and acts as sort of an introduction to some of the supporting characters to be featured in the story.

Thanks for all the responses last week! I really appreciate it.

armandoB, Doctor Shadow, Kali, Jabali, khard12, Shewol2… thank you so much for stopping by.
@Custard Trout - I never thought of the Star Wars reference. Cool.
@TheMidge28 - I also considered “Toadsters” or “Toadmeisters” but I recovered my senses.
@mattchee - I hear you. Writing is the hardest thing for me.
@The Gravekeeper - You can really work up an appetite fighting battles so the frog legs might come in handy.
@machinehead - hopefully I'll squeeze in more of Vandric.
@Hyena H_ll - thanks again for the suggestion. I appreciate it.

I hope you enjoy and thanks for looking. Any comments or crits are welcome.