Issue 1: Page 3

repoman on April 19, 2009

(Edit: Formerly page 13. Moved 6/25/09)

Another week, another page. I'd like to point out that Lord Quandel in the first panel is the same guy that was abducted and shaved by Cole Montaigne (Dragonstone) in the opening few pages. If you were reading this in one sitting it would be obvious (hopefully) but in this once-a-week-internet format those pages were posted months ago!

Thanks ever so much for the comments last week:

TheMidge28: Thanks. I am going for a “non-Tolkien” type fantasy story so hence I'm using deer as a race. But technically, “Endstone” is really a sci fi story disguised as fantasy.

Heyena H_ll - actually this page was drawn before Skool schooled me on the nose. But it's a valid crit. I'm going to draw Thunderhead's nose lighter, but I've been thinking about just giving her a normal nose and editing what I have so far. It's not too late since I'm just getting started. I thought the nose might look goofy when I designed it, but I was trying to make her look somewhat different from an elf but still give off that fantasy vibe at first glance.

And Doctor Shadow, amanda, darkwaterfey, armandoB, khard12, machinehead, patoborracho, mattchee, matts, theends, Dem, and cyberdog… I really appreciate all of you taking the time to stop by and leave a comment. It keeps me keeping on.

Anyhow thanks for stopping by this week, and I hope you enjoy. . .