Explosion Proof - Page 4

mattchee on Oct. 6, 2009

Okay, I won't subject you to a long rant today. I'm way behind schedule for posting… hectic week beyond belief, I'll leave it at that.

Next week this story concludes, and a new story will begin the following week, which I'm super excited to show y'all as its much newer than this one. Some artistic improvements are made.

Thanks for reading and commenting!


comment replies:

Repoman - I blame good references!

DAJB - Yeah, he's definitely hanging in there!

oldguy - Ha! Hmmm… maybe you're right.

AzuJOD - Thanks!

wellsee - She is isn't she?

theends - Thanks! I guess if there's no background, the angle had better kick ass, right?

jazzcop - Nyuk Nyuk!

mushroom - Yep! I was kind of going for an older serial kind of vibe, so the ben-day (or halftone, whatever term floats your boat) sort of accentuated that for me. Not really that uncommon I think. If you like that you'll like the next page, and whats to come in the next story!