Page 03 - Nuada

mlai on Aug. 23, 2008

This “comic” will detail the characters in the comics FIGHT and FIGHT_2. Art by Mlai, cg colors by JustNoPoint.

It is likely that no reader will ever figure out who Nuada really is. That's fine with me and Ed; the mystery is important to his character's subplot.

Nuada's addition to F1's “main team” was Ed's suggestion. I was initially against it. If you read F2, you know why I categorize Nuada as “dangerous.” I felt that one dangerous black sheep (Hanes) was enough, and that the rest should be straight-up heroes. I was worried that adding Nuada on top of Hanes may destabilize the team dynamic too much.

Now I think adding Nuada was a great idea; it made the F1 group even more rag-tag than I had originally envisioned. Nuada is such a versatile character, I gave him a lead role in F2 as well. I hope everyone finds it refreshing to read about an unhandsome unheroic male lead.