Ch. 1, Pg. 2 Only a Nightmare...

PandaChaosProduction on Sept. 21, 2007

Jeff is having a ‘boy’s night out' with his pals, so I get to update while they paint each other's nails and put on pretty dresses. Ahem.

Anyway, here's the basics of what he had to say:

- If you can guess where the phrase from this page came from, you get many kudos.
-Yes, those pills on the table are Beck's. This will be explained someday. Someday…
-Musical Suggestion: Something about cheeseburgers (well, he called me and corrected me. Apparently it's Cheeseburger Politics, by the Aquabats (who can be found on this page).

I have to burst the poor little author's bubble though. The phrase on this page is from the first episode of Scrubs (which the author and I both love, by the by). Sorry, Jeffers, but I think we have to disclaim on that… so…yes…that belongs to the writers of Scrubs.

The only thing I have to say about this page is that Beck looks like a pre-pubescent girl. ._. Also, those are the suckiest boxers ever. I know. (P.S.: He's pulling on his shirt)

Till next saturday.