
Frogman on Feb. 6, 2013

Another update on schedule! See? I wasn't bullshitting last week when I said it was all done and ready to upload!
I remember drawing this page like 2 years ago or something ridiculous like that. (Not so) interesting fact: The last panel originally had Steve's hand doing something else (I can't remember exactly what, but he wasn't holding his phone). Due to script changes which I made AFTER inking (Michael, you fool!) I had to white out the old hand, redraw on another piece of paper, and surgically chop it out and glue it to the bristol board.
I tried to put more realism in this scene too. As the panels progress (and Peter loses more blood) I lightened his skin tone slightly. It's probably easiest to spot if you compare his skin tone in panel 1 to the last panel where he's almost white.
Erm… Not much else to say this week. *Sound of crickets* Let me know if you're digging these new pages in the comments below! See you dudes in 7 days!