You heard the lady

Demeter on March 30, 2007

guess who's not dead? Guess!…for starters, it's not me. I'm still pretty dead. But, I had to get this page out at some point, and I'll be trying to update more regularly from now on…not sure about schedule. I'm going to try a few tricks to see how it works for time & effort. today? monochrome!

Lame joke, bad art…Oh Rock, I hate how I was drawing…whenever it was I sketched this. I don't have a script. I don't even write the dialogue down after I've drawn the page. that means that for the next several pages, I'm winging it by remembering the general gist of what happens next, and the art of the page. I originally had a transitional page in-between the two, but I decided not to. ignore the fact that Eo is already clean-looking. it's just the monochrome.