Chapter 1 Page 03

Abt_Nihil on July 20, 2010

Important announcement:

My comic signifikat is in a tie in the “best layouts” category in the dd awards, and your tie breaking assistance would be highly appreciated! Voting ends on July 25th. (Please click here to vote or see this forum thread for more info.) Y'know… I might be tempted to bribe you with some new, unexpected signifikat pages in case it makes the finals… ^_^


Updating daily.

The first close-up of the place which you will get to know better over the next few… years?

While ending a comic and starting another one is primarily driven by the stories' demands, it is also a great opportunity to try something new with one's style. You'll probably find that I'm not drastically changing mine, but that I'll be doing some new things every once in a while. In this case, as on the previous page, I applied digital tones directly to my pencils - it establishes a nice contrast between interior and exterior shots, I think.

Thanks for reading and commenting!


sux: Hey, I couldn't have said it better! That pretty much describes the look I wanted to achieve.

DAJB: Heyyyyy thanks! Thanks thanks thanks! (Ew.)

Fitz: I've never ever, ever ever, seen Event Horizon. I got the impression people don't seem to like it, so I didn't watch it (because there are already way too many movies I need to watch). But I guess I should do so now! And I hope they won't make another remake of shining (there was a TV remake a few years ago)… the Kubrick version was more than perfect! That's not to say they shouldn't make another creepy movie with Sam Neill though… although I mainly know him as the nice heroic archeologist guy from Jurassic Park :3

Nepath: Thank you very much!

Haha… man, don't judge space stations by their looks! It may not be too nice or comfortable, but it's hugely important! And yes, the results are very very close at this point… but I'd be happy even if I won only by one single vote ^_^

JNP (#2): Haha, that's a great idea! I should just throw away all my plans and incorporate yours! Alas… no. Sadly, no beastly intestines here. T_T

MonkeyMafia: Hey, thanks! But don't get too used to my avatar, it's just for promotion purposes - as long as people might not have noticed that I've started a new comic :3

mmm bacon0, Zephyrion, skreem, man in black, Jabali: Thanks!