"A Deviant Mind", 1980

houseofmuses on April 25, 2010

A lot of people have asked me what I'll be doing when House of the Muses wraps up in 2012. I've always answered that I'm not sure–I've invested a lot of emotion and time into this current series and found it inconceivable to consider switching gears at this time.
Here's a scene from near the end of the first issue of a series I was muddling through the creation of back when I was still in high school in 1980. It went through numerous stupid names back then (Galaxy Guardians, Operation MindCrime–yes, that's the title of a Queensrÿche album), and I finally settled on a title for the first story as “A Deviant Mind”, but to this day I have still not come up with a title for this series that I like.
Holy crap. I just realized that this particular story just turned 30 years. I am one heck of a late bloomer.
So there you have it….the telling factor of what I'll be doing sits entirely on readership interest. And no, that's not Dika in the cryotube…or IS it?
No, really it's not. I was just joking. If I get enough actual comments from interested readers, and not just a lot of rubbernecking, I might consider dragging this series out of the storypile.