Page 7: issue 4 – A Saucerful of Secrets

shastab24 on April 11, 2012

Ah, a distraction. That's Steve from
Life and Death
there, making his entrance. And it seems he's feeling a bit
adventurous in his alcohol choices. He drinks at the 501 because it
has booze. The fact that it's a gay bar doesn't bother him
becausewhy would it?

I realize Julie is giving a
politician's answer hereanswering the question without
actually answering it at all. However, last issue we saw how she got
started in superheroing, and there's no reason to rehash. Instead we
get a look into her life as a kid.

Of course, I realize that not everybody
will understand the reference or the humor in the phrase pillow
princess. It's a term among some in the lesbian community for a
bottom. I think there's more to it than that, but that's what I
remember from when I heard it (yes, I heard it once and decided to
make a joke about itbecause checking to see if something is
widespread knowledge must be passe, or something). I'd assume it's
because she's in a position of comfort (and also likely biting the

And I finally give their superhero
names on a comic page. The panels where they give them changed after
drawing the page, but the gist is still the same.

Tomorrow: More insight into Fractal.
Plus, can Steve survive a drink that could probably fell an Eldritch