Page 1: issue 11 - Remember a Day

shastab24 on Nov. 2, 2012

I'm putting together a crossover project for next year to run through multiple comics and hopefully benefit the Hero Initiative. If you want to participate, e-mail me at or PQ me on this site.

Also, Heroes Alliance, here on Drunk Duck, has begun uploading a story I wrote and many drew. Sure, I drew more pages than anyone else, but there is some great art in it, too. I wrote the story two years ago, so it's nice to see it finally going up. It's updating every other day and is epic in length.

Onto the page at hand: Group shot! This carries on right from where Tempore last was seen in the Halloween Special. At least one commenter on Tangents mentioned that the Halloween Cameo Capers seem to lack plot, but I will maintain the 2012 caper advanced Tempore's plot, and without it, he would not be in the mindset appropriate for this story.
It may not be noticable, as well, but I originally drew Time and Laser's crotch too far down his body, so I had to do some rudimentary (but new to me) digital mannipulation to raise it.