Locoma on Jan. 6, 2008

You, Mr. Adv Junkies! :D
well this page looks like a regular page but had a special process. I used liquid latex to create masks to paint it by regions… it's great! makes the background a lot easier to paint. look at the shots.


priceman: thanks! good luck in FS3!

conned: :D that description just owns!!

nergal: nfl? where? nono, it says FL and NF, short for Federal Liquor and Never Forgotten…………

2ndwind: hehe what can I say, I'm a tv/webcomics junkie

Kristin: diggin your avatar like right now

darkpower: yeah, only if you draw/compose with your legos

rockster: have you check your ramen sitting on my new year's card? :D

alejkhan: working on mr adv for my readers… that sounds inspiring, I'll think about it next time I work on him :)

darrell: yes ser he was!! (I PROMISE please don't shoot me!) uh… hey tell more about your chat with him, sounds interesting

tantz: haha, mind if my little guys give a call to your heroine? I think they'll need it

usedbooks: angles in panels are FUN! I always go “waa how cool is that” when I see a panel with angles and perspectives… Fish eye FTW!