Percieving Shades of Red

Lonnehart on May 10, 2010

Sorry about the lack of an update yesterday. I'm doing the best I can to maintain a daily update to the comic, but things can get in the way. Such as locking your keys in your car, and then doing it again in your house. And then my coffeemaker breaks, forcing me to spend the better part of the day taking it apart and cleaning that white gunk in the pipeworks and replacing the exploded remnants of the plastic tubing inside. Ugh…

As for Wyndegard's statement about being a princess… she's the heir to the leadership of the Institute in this comic's timeline (refer to the comic Magical Misfits to see what the Institute is.

I should probably do an “educational” page on Dwarven and Elven descendants. Wyndegard is a Dwarven descendant herself, being descended from a dwarven/human relationship someplace in her family history.