PaulEberhardt on Dec. 23, 2011

What a week! First my old scanner died, so I had to replace it. The new one is a good deal faster, but I'm not too happy with what it does to the colours as of now. Oh well, I'm working on it, and it's better than a scanner that scans everything with yellow stripes all it. However, this was not my only cause of worry as my dishwasher decided to quit its service as well and flooded half of my flat to tell me so. Ahrgh!! Not to speak of the usual Christmas stress that probably everybody has at this time of the year.
Anyway. There's a good chance for me to update on New Year's Eve or perhaps even the day before and to go back to normal in the following week.
Before I forget it: I finally uploaded a new voting incentive for TWC. Hope you like it.
Thanks for reading, and Merry Christmas, everyone!

Oh, and please don't forget to sign the petition against the current attempt at internet censorship. Let's consider it the mandatory good deed at Christmas. US non-US