MT Issue 34: Page 8

Author_Ninja on April 24, 2010

So, a bit of background.

This whole merging of the two families is not where I wanted this to go originally. It's not very exciting, but with Sid in a coma, my original idea for Weasel to be the secret leader of the Grey mice clan and for those two to have a fight in the Kamaitachi Building wasn't going to happen. Then Mika was going to confront him, and later when Taro started to fall for Ace, she would run away and live secretly with Momo hiding her out, and Sid would eventually find him again, adopting him into the family as well and then later dating/marrying Weasel to join the two families. But then Mookie and Ace came along and Weasel and Taro's relationship started to change.

Finally, with the last issue with Taro's big backstory reveal, Weasel's protective nature and the fact that every storyline involving Taro and the family have them just ADORING the kitty (I just noticed earlier the irony of a Cat being raised by Mice) it just plain didn't make sense anymore.

But the Hiroshima Virus? Now that's a cool leader! A sentient virus with a robot body? Very cool. It's not very actiony, so I apologize only for that, but honestly, there will be enough horrific badguys and action coming up soon enough. So be patient with me.

Besides, Weasel is such a liked character, I doubt Mika or Sid fighting him would go over well anymore. He's really matured from the manipulative, obsessive little shit he started out as. A girlfriend will do that for you, I s'pose.