Narou Chapter 2 page 29: Dream of the Ravaged Child

kaminari on April 22, 2007

I updated again so sooooon! and even after I said that it would take me a while to do this page because I didnt think it would come to me so easy and be translated onto paper.

Compared to the one of the past months.
So if you havent read all month, then you missed a few pages!!

Okay so I gots lots to say!
First off, this is A DREAM that Narou is having at the moment.
It probably would have been a good start to Chapter 2 now that I think about it.

I know..
*pats all the readers brains*
Its pretty confusing isnt it…
This is meant as an introduction as I lead into who Narou is, and that he's actually a very dark character. Up until now, Ive wanted you to be as ignorant about him as Ran (well, you should be a few steps ahead of little Ran). Ran doesnt know ANYTHING about who this guy she's tagging along with is, but she doesnt care.

There are three significant events in Narou's life depicted here that will be explored throughout this comic (though highly dramatized for dreamy effect). One of them is the coming of Ran into his life.

I dont really want to tell you what you should get from this. I throw so many hints into pages that tie into other things and I really hope someone keeps picking up on them.
One thing I will say, is that I chose to portray Narou as a child to symbolize his innocence as he really wasnt a young child during any major event in his life. However, we'll find out that he's far from innocent and lovable.
Also, it seems to me that Narou has women issues ^o^
Maybe thats why he loves ‘em and leaves ’em?

Ran is in color in the last panel, mainly because I screwed up drawing it and didnt want to draw Narou over (cause I liked him). The full color was meant so you could tell it was her, but it also seemed more meaningful, like maybe she was the present and more real than the others. Thats also why I chose to give her a normal speech bubble. The clouds are darker though (dun dun dun)..

Now my brain hurt -.-*

Now, I hadnt planned on doing a second page to this dream, but an idea for one came to me as I was coloring this. Its a pretty grim conclusion while this one leaves you in kind of a semi sense for hope (I guess).
That being said… I want your input..
Do you want to see the grim conclusion I'm scheming or leave it with this?
Ultimately, Ill do whatever, but input is nice ;-p

Oh and no one PQ'ed me about Ran's Granny!
Oh well =D!!

But you know, if you're just dying to know stuff, just bug me about it via email or PQ. I can break down easily when people want me to tell them stories.
Of course if I tell you all of Narou's secrets, then what fun would the comic be? Especially when I finally get around to introducing a highly influential character named Zanzah.

OH! And I made this page by coloring all of these characters as if I normally would.. All the same color schemes and whatnot. There is a greyish blue color layer over it. The parts in color I used the eraser too on the blue layer to bring them out.. Seems like a waste of time if I could have just done it in this color blah blah.. but no!! This was much better..
So yes, there is a version thats normal colors floating on my pc ;-p

Ummm, hope thats all I have to say ^^;