Origin of Azumorph: Page 3 of 4

AzuJOD on April 14, 2010

Art by Wes “Wes_Nero123” Fleming.

On this page, we see James becoming more integrated into the world of Heroes Unite.

Here, we are introduced to Lucy Hubbard aka HUB. She is a millionaire who lost both her legs in an accident, is as emotive as a Vulcan and knew the HU Commander before she was a commander. HUB in part funds and leads the operations of Heroes Unite in Australia and the Southern Hemisphere. She is also a technopath, and was able to track down James using the internet.

This page also makes a reference to PowerPatriot, who appeared in the pages of Retake, created by David “SympleSymon” Brett-Andrews and Dan “MrHades” Butcher

Anyway, tune in tomorrow for final page of this story!