Poe and the Whale Day 1 Comic 1

PoeDaughter7 on Oct. 31, 2012

Poe is a magic user who just got powers. The whale is a teacher named Walter at magic school stuck in black whale form. KRULL is the para- military witch organization that tries to shoot them in laser-wand battles to drain their powers. The fight for justice must prevail!
From Cartoon Poe and the Whale by Author Andrea Menzies also at:
http://fh7publishing.com/ - Main comic Archive and Merchandise Page.
http://poeandthewhale.wordpress.com/ - Comic RSS and E-mail List.
http://fhseven.com/ - Author’s links and Wordpress Updates .
http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Poe_and_the_Whale_/5429459/ - Web Comic Page at The Duck.
Stay tuned fearless reader… regular updates Tuesday every week!
Tags: Raven, Whale, Poe and the Whale, Art, Magic, Powers, Comics