[309] Rally The Troops!

FuzzyMuzzy on Sept. 2, 2010

Just a quick pep talk with the team before their big Grand Festival debut! What could the leader of the Dark Stars mean when Hayley's mother was mentioned? Only time will tell!

I really like the imagery used in this page though. And before for those of you that are wondering, May is in a park located in the city. We'll be seeing more of the park though before the end of the chapter.

The next page is the official start of the Grand Festival though! Woo so excited! Sorry if the next update isn't until Monday though. I had started working on the page on Tuesday, and I kept changing things like the backgrounds and stuff because I want them to be perfect, but now I might not have access to a comp until tomorrow night, so we shall see what happens. It's mostly done I just need 2 more panels so you never know.

CQOTD - What appeal in this comic was your overall favorite?

Tell me what you think?
Thanks and Enjoy!