
sifueagle on July 28, 2009

Today's sketch is of Angellica Levesque aka Anjelfish from my upcoming undersea horror, Aqua Exodus. You can see her on the promo / cover at Gives me a cheap reason to draw a wet t-shirt. lol

I've always been fascinated by the sea. Most would recognize me for only martial arts and Asian culture. I've been around that all my life, but for dreaming there's always been something about the majesty and beauty of the seas.

When drawing someone swimming underwater in comics it's usually broken down into super heroish flight poses but realistic kicking and arm motions have to been taken into consideration from time to time. I started with the realistic but I didn't extend the legs far enough for kicking motion. It's still a nice pin-up pose.

Aqua Exodus is a marine theme park island that will end up sinking. I need to do a layout of the island. The hardest part is coming up with a look for the marina itself. I don't want to do a generic Atlantis visual but just enough to make it look like a theme park. Any suggestions?

One fun thing will be studying the different types of fish to draw in the background. I hated the swordfish on the right at first. Then When I look back at the shading I find I'm liking it. Should I start do more shading/hatching in my works or more clean line work?

Let me know what you think and what you'd like sketched in the future.

~Sifu Eagle