#1 Introducing Sydney

Torino on Jan. 29, 2011

Wait what, an update and it isn't even Wednesday yet!
Two reasons for this besides “I just felt like it”, I wasnt going to be here on Wednesday this week but mostly I want to try and get through the character introductions a little quickly. Maybe I'll be able to have two new strips this week. I might have to change my description from ‘updates wednesday’ to ‘updates monday and friday, but supposed to be wednesday’.

Anyway, about this strip.
While I was in Japan, I was staying in a place with people from all kinds of nationalities. I asked everyone, as well as the Japanese people I met, if they knew what the capital of Australia was, and every last person answered ‘Sydney’. There were people that hadn't even heard of Canberra. The poor girl. (Of course Sydney is glad to make the most of international misunderstandings for his giant ego.)

Much of the poses in this had to be referenced from my own sister, lmao.

Sydney would call himself the most liveable. More on that in the next strip.