Ep. 21, Page 82

smbhax on March 27, 2014

It might have been a bout of horror vacui that spurred me into trying to do some more shading on Selenis here with alternating strokes of colorwhich is something I've been wanting to try out, I guess. I'm not sure it was going all that well, and the overall effect was frustratingly muddled, and doing various awful things to the background to try to isolate and highlight her more didn't quite solve that, so at about 2:35 a.m. I just went and dumped the contents of my palette on it

which actually worked out surprisingly well. I don't know if it's a process I want to go through regularly… Well okay, splashing watercolor around like that actually *is* pretty fun. But I feel like ideally I shouldn't have to resort to nutty waterworks in order to distract from bleh shading jobs. ; ) Anyway, splish splash, take THAT, painting!