Ep. 21, Page 83

smbhax on March 29, 2014

I came across a really nice watercolor by fashion artist Alexander Roshchin on tumblrwhat great handling of the paint! Gee whiz. Meanwhile I've put brighter bulbs in the lamps on my drawing table (40 watts! : o), and I'm going to blame those for the fact that I went a little darker than I'd realized with the blue watercolor on today's page and it got a little chunky; like, the blue on pages http://smbhax.com/?e=0021 ).
I figured out a way to waste less time during non-A* parts of my day today, so maybe if I can stay disciplined then I can keep my comicking schedule a little less crazy, that would be nice. : )
Hm but to do that I probably shouldn't waste time watching semi-random YouTube videos like We Play Doom With John Romero, which might be interesting if you're a PC game dinosaur like me. : P