Book One, page 42

bravo1102 on July 2, 2017

A sorceress can add certain effects to their words. So the frost on Searsha's speech balloons reflects an actual drop in temperature around her. I hope it comes through in the dialogue that she is cutting Larya off and even talking over her. She may be the protagonist but she's not Ms. Congeniality. And besides we're only 40 pages in and each character is only getting their second scene and we're still on first impressions here.
In the original version Larya didn't say anything. As her character developed later on that initial reaction rang false. So it was changed to her trying, getting rebuked and then biding her time. As for Aleeka? There may be something more to her simply jumping into Halfdan's bed. In the first draft that hadn't been fleshed out before the start of the comic. Now it has been so the actions of the characters need to be adjusted in light of future developments.