Book one, page 43

bravo1102 on July 5, 2017

I am re-posting this page for a couple of reasons. One, seems the front page still doesn't show the avatars of queued pages when they go live. Second, I mis-numbered the page so even if you did drop by you would think it was just the same page as previous. With apologies to plymayer who commented here is the page again.

There was an entire pantheon created for the world even notated with regional variations based on population and some notes on deity origins and how the archetypes and a couple of the names survived into our history. For example the creator god is Eay which would carry over into Sumerian myth as Ea. Annah would survive as Inanna who was the prototype of Ishtar.

The various clergy are represented here along with their deities' banners. Originally everyone in the group introduced themselves along with an info-dump their god or goddess and his or her duties. There was even an introduction of a sub-plot. All of that was cut. The subplot was completely re-written and re-cast three drafts of the script ago.

This time around let's just stick to the story. A supplemental page( or pages) will probably come sooner or later. There is one that was made up detailing the sorceress' religious practices so there are already a couple in the can.

The banners are from illustrations of the Narthatheian pantheon I put together a number of years ago. They were the first drawings I ever digitally colored. I did them as practice after completing the class work on coloring line art in Photoshop.

Vote, vote, vote. The Drunk Duck awards are upon us. Vote early and vote often! Remember, whenever in doubt about a category just vote “The Godstrain ” or “Transneptunian” it's kind of like a rule of thumb. Or at least it seems like that. Readers are always being told not to vote sweeps as it looks silly with all the deserving comics on Drunk Duck, but sweeps occur anyway. Might as well face it, the majority of readers look at those one or two comics and the rest are mere chaff blowing by in the wind. And heaven help anyone who doesn't use a traditional medium.

As I go deeper into this project, what started off as a revision is quickly becoming a re-imagining and is veering off sharply from the original comic. This upcoming sequence was sharply trimmed of all the info-dump and another scene completely rewritten. I even cut a belly laugh panel that originally took hours to draw in Photoshop all those years ago.

Now I find myself at one of the worst written sequences in the whole thing. I hated this sequence. I rewrote it a billion times and finally it ended up being minimal Norse stoicism. So that's got to sit on the back burner until I can flesh out what the characters could really be saying. But i have to keep reminding myself that these are people who are not into emotional scenes of confrontation and I wanted to portray characters who are at this point in the story still avoiding issues or are totally clueless.