Book One, page 47

bravo1102 on July 13, 2017

Vote, vote, vote.
Best Antagonist: Glorreaka the Witch of Ashrack! Here she is people! The most deserving villain in all of Drunk Duck. Baron Space Case would be reduced to scrap metal! Nazis would swoon at her feet because she makes Ilsa: She-wolf of the SS look like a little Bavarian school girl with a lollipop! This is her first big scene and sorry but I had to cut the maniacal laughter panel because it just didn't work. Instead she gloats and schemes. If you haven't voted for Best Antagonist, do it now because here she is!

As you see Glorreaka believes in equal opportunity for referring to people by their genitalia. Glorianna is a cunt sorceress and Falkimir is a bloodless prick. Double insult there as bloodless prick brings up the image of a flaccid penis. But that's Glorreaka. Searsha lost her hand running afoul of the law. Searsha could have been more powerful than Glorreaka except she chose what Glorreaka calls the “wrong” path. So the two were associated in the past. Some really fucked up shit happened back in the day. I'm not certain just how much will be shown in flashback but it's some nasty painful stuff. I bring myself to tears whenever I read some of it. At this point I have no idea how I'll ever be able to translate it into this medium.

I also have enough written about Searsha to do this comic for the next five years or so as there are about five or six stories after this one so we'll see what happens. Just so you know Sword of Kings is currently projected to be over 300 pages long.

That first panel is from a picture of one of the craters at Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park. I took lots of pictures as Ashrack is supposed to be a volcanic waste. The ruins were all drawn in Photoshop. The vulture and remains were originally shot for the battlefield aftermath sequence. I have a large collection of scale creatures and animals for the comics.

Remember, Glorreaka for Best Antagonist. G-l-o-r-r-e-a-k-a. (Glor-REE-ka)