Book Two, page 5

bravo1102 on Nov. 22, 2017

The dialogue between the last two pages was extensively rewritten. I always hated it and some recent reading cleared up some things and provided a new take on why the march was delayed. This also intruduces Bridnea.

Originally there were scenes with King Alerain and Bridnea each reacting to the news of Falkimir being elected high king. Both were cut. Bridnea in fact would be totally recast. Bridnea was the first ruler I ever created in DnD. He was “Good king Bridnea” a loud mouthed braggart who was a complete asshole in person but utterly loved by his people. That was the father. In the rewrite it became the son. You'll meet him eventually but before this present scene is over you will meet Princess Jennessia.

Now when medieval nobles go to war the most trustworthy ties are those of family. All the oaths of fealty never replace a good arranged marriage. But even then that can go to hell, just ask the participants in the Wars of the Roses and so many other conflicts. Severnus and Darran are brothers in law. Severnus is King Alerain's bastard half-brother so they are both uncles of Jennessia. As a bastard Severnus earned his lands through service to Falkimir's father.

The elves and dwarfs? huh? Look back at the Map making interlude . Eslan and Enlandom are the lands of the elves and dwarfs respectively. Elegon also has a small enclave of dwarves in its northern reaches but they are more miners and merchants than warriors.