The Scum Also Rises! 1 (of 2)

rawdale on Oct. 24, 2017

So… did anything major happen while I was away?

Huh? What???? A new TRUMPed strip? Well, yes, and no. I actually had this page ready to go before I stopped posting in March but hadn't added the text to the second page (which is coming tomorrow) and given how O'Reilly and his inability to not sexually harass women who have the misfortune of being in his orbit is yet again in the news (this time for a 32 million payout for just ONE case), it seemed like I needed to dust this off and finish up the second page.

Does this mean I have MORE TRUMPed strips coming? It does. I may post a few of the strips that I had set aside and never got around to posting first. But I do have more in the works now that the gig I took which prevented me from posting more is done. It is admittedly increasingly more difficult to satirize this lot and lately I'm not finding much to laugh about with these fuckers (but I'm sure I could have given the Mooch his proper due) but I like a good challenge.